Nigel's Webspace - Galleries of English Football Cards 1965/66 - 1979/80  Home pageMaster indexFacebookVisitor memoriesNewslettersSwaps & WantsFAQLinksSend me emailGift ideas

Gift ideas

I often get asked through this website to recommend gift ideas (football cards should, of course, be your first idea, but books, videos and DVDs may also appeal). I'm happy to recommend the products below, and admit upfront that I may receive a small commission if you buy through a link from this site. Happy hunting!

From the authors who bought you 'Got, Not Got' (Derek Hammond and Gary Silke)
Other football card and related books


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Paypal Donate. I know that this site helps a large number of people - that's why I run it, and I'm happy to do so. If you appreciate the help or advice you have received through this site you could choose to make a donation, through Paypal, which I will use to defray the costs. I'll always try to keep the site advertisement free and simple to use. If you do choose to donate, thank you...